
Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Cost of an Education

So you went to college with dreams of getting an education, obtaining a degree and making money...and then you graduated. You found a job in your career field, or maybe you didn't....but either way you found yourself working, not for the cars, the house, the vacations, the found yourself working endless hours for a paycheck that pales in comparison to your student loan debt

Well you aren't alone.

There's plenty of us, who, like you, have done nothing but to continue to live the college struggle even though college is long gone. There are plenty of us working for our degrees, not letting our degrees work for us.

This blog was created by us so that we could share our story with the world, and with our friends, colleagues and those of you are in the same position as we are; broke graduates with too many degrees and certifications and not enough money to live comfortably, as we were promised by educators and government officials.

Who are we? We're just like you. We're two broke post college twenty-somethings from Detroit, the city that's drowning in unemployment and whose middle class is being squeezed out of the middle and pushed into poverty, or, for the lucky few, the upper echelon, which is why we are here to help educate. Take a look...

About Us

I graduated from Wayne State University with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with a Major in Accounting in 2011 and a Masters Degree (MBA) in 2013. I spent 7 years pursuing my secondary education with high hopes of getting an awesome corporate job and making bookoo bucks. I had an internship with a Big Four firm (won't name any names) and signed an offer with that firm who I started working for in September 2012. I worked on that slave ship for 2 years for measly pay (compared to the ridiculous hours) and then I jumped ship to work for a leader in the banking industry where I now get paid a little more than before, but still not enough to pay those big private and federal loans knocking on the proverbial door every morning before I've even opened my f'ing eyes...I have around $100k in student debt; enough to be a damn doctor, but I'm not. I'm just a broke ass auditor...

I graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with a Major in Accounting.  I also attended Wayne State University for about a year to complete my 150 credit hour requirement for my CPA license.  I became a certified CPA in May of 2014.  While in college I was a walk on athlete and I held various summer jobs.  During my senior year I held a position as a staff accountant at a local private health club, then a start up real estate, and finally, where I am currently employed, a CPA firm.  I took out more than 60k in student loan debt because I was told by many high school and college instructors that it would pay off in the long run.  Funny right? "Pay off"?? The only thing that has been having to get "Paid off" is the principal balance and interest on my student loan debts.

On this blog we will share our struggles, our triumphs and our strategies for getting out of the student loan debt trap and getting on with our lives, the lives we were promised. After all, isn't that why we all went to college in the first place?